What I Offer

Schedule A Consultation

I provide in-person, phone, or video consultations to assist and guide the transition process. A few things we will discuss during a consultation include but not limited to:

  • Assisting with Advance Care Planning, such as: completing or updating an Advance Health Care Directive; a Living Will; a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare or a POLST form (Physician Orders for Life–Sustaining Treatment).
  • Discussing realistic goals of care and how to ensure wishes are honored.
  • Helping guide you through pre-transition, mid-transition, transition, post-transition.
  • Providing coaching and support to help ease anxiety and fear around health care decision making.
  • Identifying legacy and memorial wishes, then assisting with documenting values and stories to be shared with loved ones.
  • Assisting with final arrangements.
  • Designing custom altars, touchstones and other keepsake items for remembrance.
  • Providing grief and bereavement resources.

additional service offerings


letters of love

The Story Of..project


a story book

& much more